
This is the home of Hen Party Life Drawing

Bristol – Bath – Cardiff – Gloucester – Cotswolds – Somerset – Oxford – Swindon – London – Nationwide

Well it was another great hen party at this beautiful country holiday cottage near Bristol. I was working for Hens with Pens on this occasion and was accompanied by fantastic tutor and artist Hannah.

The Life Drawing workshop was a surprise for the bride. She’d been led to believe the girls would only be drawing each other. They spent some time drawing portraits of each other using pencil and charcoal and then were given a long break to refresh their drinks.

Hannah snuck me in so I could get changed and make my appearance.

The bride was lovey and genuinely surprised by the entrance of a male model.

It was a sunny day and the champagne was flowing and everybody was in good spirits.

The group produced some beautiful sketches, some of the hens having artistic backgrounds.

It’s always a surprise who will have talent for life drawing, and with the assistance of the tutor the hens often surprise themselves. There’s usually always a few in the group who produce some outstanding work!

After the hour was finished we said our goodbyes, the girls were headed out to Bristol that night for a night on the town.

Ben Lowrey

Buff Butler & Life Drawing Model

